vsdfsfwr » BaSupremeBeing Guide in 4 - bir blog aazz Giriş

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For all intensive purposes of saving your skill points just a little bit for later level(4Story Luna) skills (The really cool stuff! x

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Yaratılış: 15/04/2010 04:57
Güncelleştirmek: 15/04/2010 04:58
Makaleler 1
Haftanın ziyaretler 3230
Toplam ziyaret 845

vsdfsfwr :: BaSupremeBeing Guide in 4

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Makale: Tips about Level up in 2Moons - 15/04/2010 04:58

It is easy to get level(2moons dil) 60 in a week for Dagger Hunter. In fact, you could probably do it in 3-4 days, with a life. The hard(ish) part will be 60~90 (mind you, if you do a lot of df and nick all the treasure, you'll have 15+ mill saved up for fast c/b/a), then going tribrid at 90+ won't be too hard.

Segnales and Mages level(2moons powerleveling) almost as good as a Dagger Hunter, but have it somewhat easier 60~90. It's harder 1~60, but relatively similar 90+. You can make a 102 AK within about 3 months, with minimal help. During this, it is pretty much inactive for 3 weeks because you can waiting for the rest of friends to catch up.

You can done level 1-100 for five months and it will be rarely active or attempting in 2Moons. On top of that, about a month you have rl issues to deal with and wasn't able to be on the game. And some days I'd barely bother doing a single crevice, let alone grind out avalon or whatever, yet for instance in one day gone past this week you can get about 180% (96 - 98, went to most dfs, did some crevice then grinded tomb).